Bird’s delight, Coal tit

Symbolizes: Noble and stylish
Month: All year

Original price was: kr. 339,00.Current price is: kr. 200,00.

2 in stock

(Dansk) Periparus ater

2 in stock


The Coal tit is the smallest of our domestic migrants. It has a length of 10-11.5 cm. The head is black and white and has the same white cheeks as the mouse whites. The black maize, however, has a larger white spot in the neck, which is often seen clearly and is a good feature of the species under difficult conditions. The back, wings and tail are blue-gray, whereas the underside has a creamy brown-white color. Two wings on the wings are seen on the wings.

The breeding season begins at the end of April, and often two litters are raised during a season. The nest is placed in a cavity that can either be in a tree, a wall or even a hole in the ground. The Coal tit also likes nest boxes. The female builds nest, herself which is formed by moss and spider tissue and is fed with planting duck, hair and feather. Normally, 7-9 eggs are added, which the female spends over 14-16 days. Both parents feed the kids who leave the nest after 16-19 days and then feed for another two weeks. The Coal tit mainly lives from seeds, insects and spiders, which are somewhat hamstered during the summer and autumn.

The breed primarily in pine forests, but also in mixed forests and parks. Depends on the presence of mixed forests, although its use of holes in the soil makes it less dependent on old trees than the other meadows.
The highest densities occur in West and North Jutland, where conifers are dominant, as well as in central Jutland, on the west coast and around Skagen.
The Coal tit is standing bird in Denmark, and it can be seen all year round. Invasions occur from the north in certain winters, and migratory Coal tits are often seen in the company of Goldcrests, Blue tits and Great tits. Especially in August-October there is a chance to see large flocks.

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