Haematopus ostralegus
kr. 319,00
Haematopus ostralegus
The oystercatcher is a characteristic wader, large and big-boned, and known for its black back, the white underside and the big conspicuous red beak. It is 39-44 cm, of which the beak is 6,5-9 cm.
The oystercatcher is widespread by the Danish coasts, and it breeds moreover along the rest of the European coasts, on Russian velds and along the Pacific Coasts of China and Siberia. In this country the oystercatcher forages by cropped tidal meadows, and it usually eats worms and mussels, found on low water.
The oystercatcher can reach a great age, and so it is not unusual that it lives up till 25 years. The pairs often stick together for many years or through their whole life long, and the oystercatcher prefers to breed in the same territory for several years in an row.
The Danish oystercatchers migrate south in the winter, and arrive again during February and March, and especially in the spring they are very noisy, when they protect their territory of breeding – 3 eggs are laid at the end of April. The oystercatcher is known for its ability to form well bounded territories, which are energetically defended.
Dimensions | 16 × 8 cm |
Levested |