Tilbud(Dansk) Er du ligesom mig glad for traditioner og glæden ved at give, så ved du at alderen ikke er en bremser for overraskelser og da slet ikke op imod JUL Vælg alle 4 eller det antal du ønsker af vores favorable tilbud på årets Adventspakker
Blackbird pair (10,5 x 4 cm)
Symbolizes: Musicality, defence and fragility -
Goldcrest pair (10 x 3,5 cm)
Symbolizes: Curiosity and trust -
Bullfinch pair (12 x 5 cm)
Symbolizes: All year -
Citron-sommerfugl relief
Symbolizes: Spring, resilience and beauty -
(Dansk) Fuglebroche, Lunde
Symbolizes: Longevity, overview of sea and understanding of parental abandonment -
(Dansk) Fuglebroche, Grønspætte
Symbolizes: Authority, seriousness, shyness and stationary behaviour(Dansk) Picus viridis -
(Dansk) Fuglebroche, Gærdesmutte
Symbolizes: Creativity, vulnerability and friendliness(Dansk) Troglodytes troglodytes -
(Dansk) Fuglebroche, Rødhals
Symbolizes: Musicality, joy, courage and competitiveness(Dansk) Erithacus rubecula -
Hawfinch (14 x 4 cm)
Symbolizes: StrengthCoccothraustes coccothraustes -
European green woodpecker (16 x 4,5 cm)
Symbolizes: Authority, seriousness, shyness and stationary behaviourPicus viridis -
Spotted woodpecker (15 x 4,5 cm)
Symbolizes: Attention, opportunity, discernment and signalingDendrocopos major -
Oystercatcher (16 x 8 cm)
Symbolizes: Solidarity, energy, protection and enduranceHaematopus ostralegus -
House sparrow (11 x 5,5 cm)
Symbolizes: Monogamy, sociality, community, friendliness and prestigeHouse sparrow - Passer domesticus -
Lapwing (13 x 7 cm)
Symbolizes: The coming of spring, the relation between nature and human beings and country lifeVanellus vanellus -
Goldfinch (12 x 5 cm)
Symbolizes: Abundance, positivity and inspired energyStillits -
Jay (14 x 5 cm)
Symbolizes: Assertiveness, energy and talkativenessGarrulus glandarius -
Waxwing (12,5 x 5 cm)
Symbolizes: Resilience, migration, courtesy, gentleness and gratitudeBombycilla garrulus -
Herring gull (15 x 9,5 cm)
Symbolizes: Aggression, freedom and communicationLarus argentatus -
Capercaillie (11 x 11 cm)
Symbolizes: Day activity and protectionTetrao urogallus -
Pheasant (17 x 5,5 cm)
Symbolizes: Passion, balance, sexuality, protection, creativity and good judgementPhasianus colchicus -
Blackbird, female (10,5 x 4 cm)
Symbolizes: Musicality, defence and fragility -
Nuthatch (11 x 4 cm)
Symbolizes: Intelligence, competitiveness and being steadfastSitta europaea