Lunde (13 x 5,5 cm)
Symbolizes: Longevity, overview of sea and understanding of parental abandonmentFratercula arctica -
Citron-sommerfugl relief
Symbolizes: Spring, resilience and beauty -
White wagtail (14 x 5 cm)
Symbolizes: Elegance, trust, movement and socialityMotacilla alba -
Lapwing (13 x 7 cm)
Symbolizes: The coming of spring, the relation between nature and human beings and country lifeVanellus vanellus -
Dipper (10 x 5,5 cm)
Symbolizes: Nervousness, diving skills and happinessCinclus cinclus -
Crested tit (12 x 4 cm)
Symbolizes: Protection, immobility and joyLophophanes cristatus -
Capercaillie (11 x 11 cm)
Symbolizes: Day activity and protectionTetrao urogallus -
Oystercatcher (16 x 8 cm)
Symbolizes: Solidarity, energy, protection and enduranceHaematopus ostralegus -
Goldfinch (12 x 5 cm)
Symbolizes: Abundance, positivity and inspired energyStillits -
Nuthatch (11 x 4 cm)
Symbolizes: Intelligence, competitiveness and being steadfastSitta europaea -
Coal tit (10,5 x 3,5 cm)
Symbolizes: Noble and stylishPeriparus ater -
Mourning Cloak (10,5 x 4,5 cm)
Symbolizes: Curiosity, trust and sensitivity to cold -
Herring gull (15 x 9,5 cm)
Symbolizes: Aggression, freedom and communicationLarus argentatus -
Blackbird pair (10,5 x 4 cm)
Symbolizes: Musicality, defence and fragility -
Blackbird, female (10,5 x 4 cm)
Symbolizes: Musicality, defence and fragility -
Blackbird (10,5 x 4 cm)
Symbolizes: Musicality, defence and fragilityTurdus merula -
Snow bunting (12 x 4,5 cm)
Symbolizes: Winter, coldness and beautyPlectrophenax nivalis -
Jay (14 x 5 cm)
Symbolizes: Assertiveness, energy and talkativenessGarrulus glandarius -
Bearded tit (13 x 4 cm)
Symbolizes: Reproduction and sensitivityPanurus biarmicus -
Waxwing (12,5 x 5 cm)
Symbolizes: Resilience, migration, courtesy, gentleness and gratitudeBombycilla garrulus -
Robin (12,5 x 4,5 cm)
Symbolizes: Musicality, joy, courage and competitivenessErithacus rubecula -
Small Tortoiseshell (10 x 4 cm)
Symbolizes: Nationality, territorial behaviour and colorfulnessAglais urticae -
Great tit (11 x 5,5 cm)
Symbolizes: Protection, adjustability and intelligenceParus major -
Barn Swallow (15 x 5 cm)
Symbolizes: Socializing, the coming of summer, happiness, physical fitness and endurance.Hirundo rustica